plll  1.0
plll::LatticeReduction Class Reference

Provides an interface to the lattice reduction algorithms of the plll library. More...

#include <plll.hpp>


class  GramSchmidtInformer
 Provides information on the Gram-Schmidt coefficients. More...
struct  Statistics
 Describes lattice basis reduction statistics. More...
class  stop_enumeration
 This exception should be thrown by callback functions to stop enumeration and return the currently found vector to the caller. More...
class  stop_reduction
 This exception should be thrown by callback functions to stop reduction and return the current state of reduction to the caller. More...

Public Types

Configuration enums.
enum  Arithmetic {
  A_Rational, A_Real, A_LongDouble, A_Double,
  A_DoubleDouble, A_QuadDouble, A_Default = A_LongDouble
 Specifies which arithmetic to use for Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization. More...
enum  Integers { I_Auto, I_ArbitraryPrecision, I_LongInt, I_Default = I_Auto }
 Specifies which arithmetic to use for integer operations. More...
enum  GramSchmidt {
  G_Classic, G_ClassicInteger, G_Givens, G_NumStable,
  G_Default = G_NumStable
 Specifies which Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization is used. More...
enum  Transform { T_Normal, T_Inverse }
 Specifies which transformation matrix is computed. More...
enum  LLLMode { LLL_Classic, LLL_Unprojected, LLL_Siegel, LLL_Default = LLL_Classic }
 Specifies which LLL condition is used. More...
enum  BKZMode {
  BKZ_SchnorrEuchner, BKZ_Simplified, BKZ_HanrotPujolStehleHKZ, BKZ_HanrotPujolStehleSVP,
  BKZ_PrimalDual, BKZ_SlideReduction, BKZ_ImprovedSlideReduction, BKZ_ImprovedSlideReduction2,
  BKZ_ImprovedSlideReduction3, BKZ_SemiBlock2k, BKZ_SamplingReduction , BKZ_Default = BKZ_SchnorrEuchner
 Specifies which BKZ algorithm is used. More...
enum  SVPMode {
  SVP_KannanSchnorrEuchner, SVP_ParallelKannanSchnorrEuchner, SVP_SchnorrFast, SVP_VoronoiCellSVP,
  SVP_ListSieve, SVP_ListSieveBirthday, SVP_GaussSieve, SVP_Default = SVP_ParallelKannanSchnorrEuchner
 Specifies which SVP solver is used. More...
enum  DIMethod {
  DI_None, DI_Classic, DI_MinimizePotential1, DI_MinimizePotential2,
  DI_Default = DI_None
 Specifies which Deep Insertion mode is used. More...
enum  DIChoice {
  DIC_First, DIC_Block, DIC_FirstBlock, DIC_All,
  DIC_Default = DIC_All
 Specifies which Deep Insertion choice is used. More...
enum  DIMode { DIM_BeforeSR, DIM_AfterSR, DIM_Both, DIM_Default = DIM_Both }
 Specifies which Deep Insertions mode is used. More...
enum  VerboseOutputLevel { VOL_None, VOL_Warnings, VOL_Informative, VOL_Full }
 Specifies the verbosity output level. More...
enum  VerboseLevel { VL_Error, VL_Warning, VL_Information, VL_Chatter }
 Specifies a warning level for a specific output message. More...
Callback function types.
typedef boost::function< void(const
< arithmetic::Integer > &)> 
 A generic callback function. More...
typedef boost::function< void(const
< arithmetic::NInt< long int > > &)> 
 A generic callback function for long int lattices. More...
typedef boost::function< void(const
< arithmetic::Integer >
&, unsigned, const
arithmetic::Integer &)> 
 A callback function for newly found shortest vectors. More...
typedef boost::function< void(const
< arithmetic::NInt< long int >
> &, unsigned, const
arithmetic::NInt< long int > &)> 
 A callback function for newly found shortest vectors for long int lattices. More...
typedef boost::function< void(const
< arithmetic::Integer > &basis,
int p, const
< arithmetic::Integer > &vec)> 
 A callback function for newly found shortest vectors during enumerations, or more generally SVP solving. More...
typedef boost::function< void(const
< arithmetic::NInt< long int >
> &basis, int p, const
< arithmetic::NInt< long int >
> &vec)> 
 A callback function for newly found shortest vectors during enumerations, or more generally SVP solving. This callback is for long int lattices. More...
typedef boost::function< bool(const
< arithmetic::Integer >
&, arithmetic::RealContext
&, arithmetic::Real &T)> 
 A callback function for Simulated Annealing. More...
typedef boost::function< bool(const
< arithmetic::Integer > &, int
k, arithmetic::RealContext
&, arithmetic::RandomNumberGenerator
&, arithmetic::Real &T,
GramSchmidtInformer *)> 
 A annealing function for LLL. More...
typedef boost::function< bool(const
< arithmetic::Integer > &, int
k, int windowsize,
< arithmetic::Integer >
&, arithmetic::RandomNumberGenerator
&, arithmetic::Real &T,
GramSchmidtInformer *)> 
 A annealing function for BKZ. More...
typedef boost::function< void(VerboseLevel,
const std::string &)> 
 A verbose output callback function. More...

Public Member Functions

 LatticeReduction ()
 Creates a default LatticeReduction object with default settings.
 LatticeReduction (const linalg::math_matrix< arithmetic::Integer > &lattice)
 Creates a LatticeReduction object with default settings, and sets the lattice basis to the given matrix. More...
template<typename IType >
 LatticeReduction (const linalg::math_matrix< arithmetic::NInt< IType > > &lattice)
 Creates a LatticeReduction object with default settings, and sets the lattice basis to the given matrix. More...
 ~LatticeReduction ()
 Destroys the LatticeReduction object.
Lattice setting and retrieving functions.
void setLattice (const linalg::math_matrix< arithmetic::Integer > &lattice)
 Sets the current lattice of the LatticeReduction object to the lattice given by the current matrix. More...
template<typename IType >
void setLattice (const linalg::math_matrix< arithmetic::NInt< IType > > &lattice)
 Sets the current lattice of the LatticeReduction object to the lattice given by the current matrix. More...
const linalg::math_matrix
< arithmetic::Integer > & 
getLattice () const
 Returns the current lattice generating set as a matrix. More...
Lattice information functions.
unsigned rank () const
 Returns the current rank, i.e. the number of generating vectors. More...
unsigned dimension () const
 Returns the dimension of the ambient space in which the lattice exists. More...
Arithmetic configuration functions.
void setArithmetic (Arithmetic)
 Sets which arithmetic will be used for Gram-Schmidt orthogonalizations. More...
Arithmetic getArithmetic () const
 Returns the currently set arithmetic for Gram-Schmidt orthogonalizations. More...
bool ensurePrecision (unsigned long)
 Ensures a minimal floating point precision (if possible). More...
void setIntegers (Integers)
 Sets which integer arithmetic will be used for all lattice operations. More...
Integers getIntegers () const
 Returns the currently set integer arithmetic. More...
Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization configuration functions.
void setGramSchmidt (GramSchmidt)
 Sets which Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization method will be used. More...
void setGramSchmidtRestart (bool)
 Sets that the current Gram-Schmidt method should use restarts. More...
GramSchmidt getGramSchmidt () const
 Returns the currently used Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization method. More...
bool getGramSchmidtRestart () const
 Returns whether restarts are used for the current Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization method. More...
Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization querying functions.
void forceGSRebuild (bool makeSureAllComputed=false)
 Forces the Gram-Schmidt coefficients to be rebuild. More...
double getGSCoefficientD (unsigned, unsigned) const
 Returns the (i, j) Gram-Schmidt coefficient as a double. More...
long double getGSCoefficientLD (unsigned, unsigned) const
 Returns the (i, j) Gram-Schmidt coefficient as a long double. More...
arithmetic::Real getGSCoefficientR (unsigned, unsigned) const
 Returns the (i, j) Gram-Schmidt coefficient as a arithmetic::Real number. More...
arithmetic::Real getGSCoefficientR (unsigned, unsigned, const arithmetic::RealContext &) const
 Returns the (i, j) Gram-Schmidt coefficient as a arithmetic::Real number. More...
double getGSSqNormD (unsigned) const
 Returns the squared norm of the i-th Gram-Schmidt orthogonalized basis vector as a double. More...
long double getGSSqNormLD (unsigned) const
 Returns the squared norm of the i-th Gram-Schmidt orthogonalized basis vector as a long double. More...
arithmetic::Real getGSSqNormR (unsigned) const
 Returns the squared norm of the i-th Gram-Schmidt orthogonalized basis vector as a arithmetic::Real number. More...
arithmetic::Real getGSSqNormR (unsigned, const arithmetic::RealContext &) const
 Returns the squared norm of the i-th Gram-Schmidt orthogonalized basis vector as a arithmetic::Real number. More...
Modifying functions.
void modFlip (unsigned)
 Flips the signs of the given basis vector. More...
void modSwap (unsigned, unsigned)
 Swaps two given basis vectors. More...
void modAdd (unsigned i, unsigned j, const arithmetic::Integer &m)
 Adds m times the i-th basis vector to the j-th basis vector. More...
Transformation recording related functions.
void enableTransform (Transform=T_Normal)
 Enables that from this point on, a transformation matrix is recorded. More...
void disableTransform ()
 Disables recording of a transformation matrix. More...
bool isTransformationRecorded () const
 Queries whether a transformation matrix is recorded. More...
Transform getTransformationMode () const
 Queries whether transformation matrix (normal or inverse) is recorded. More...
const linalg::math_matrix
< arithmetic::Integer > * 
getTransformation () const
 Queries the current transformation matrix. More...
SVP mode related functions.
void setSVPMode (SVPMode)
 Sets the current SVP solver.
SVPMode getSVPMode () const
 Retrieves the current SVP solver.
Multi-threading related functions.
void setMaximalCoreUsage (unsigned)
 Setups the maximal number of cores which will be used by the plll library. More...
unsigned getMaximalCoreUsage ()
 Returns the current maximal number of cores used. More...
Callback related functions.
void setCallbackFunction (const CallbackFunction &, const CallbackFunction_LI &=CallbackFunction_LI())
 Sets a callback function. More...
void setCallbackFunction (const CallbackFunction_LI &)
 Sets a callback function. More...
void setCallbackInterval (double=60.0 *5.0)
 Sets the callback interval for the callback function. More...
std::pair< CallbackFunction,
getCallbackFunction () const
 Retrieves the currently set callback function. More...
double getCallbackInterval () const
 Retrieves the current (minimal) callback interval. More...
void setMinCallbackFunction (const MinCallbackFunction &, const MinCallbackFunction_LI &=MinCallbackFunction_LI())
 Sets a minimum callback function which will be called as soon as a new shortest vector is found during reduction. More...
void setMinCallbackFunction (const MinCallbackFunction_LI &)
 Sets a minimum callback function which will be called as soon as a new shortest vector is found during reduction. More...
std::pair< MinCallbackFunction,
getMinCallbackFunction () const
 Retrieves the currently set minimum callback function. More...
void setEnumCallbackFunction (const EnumCallbackFunction &, const EnumCallbackFunction_LI &=EnumCallbackFunction_LI())
 Sets a enumeration callback function which will be used if a new shortest vector is found during an enumeration. More...
void setEnumCallbackFunction (const EnumCallbackFunction_LI &)
 Sets a enumeration callback function which will be used if a new shortest vector is found during an enumeration. More...
< EnumCallbackFunction,
getEnumCallbackFunction ()
 Retrieves the current enumeration callback function. More...
Simulated Annealing related functions.
void setDefaultAnnealing ()
 Sets the default annealing functions. More...
void setDefaultAnnealingLLL ()
 Sets the defalut LLL annealing function. More...
void setDefaultAnnealingBKZ ()
 Sets the defalut BKZ annealing function. More...
void setAnnealing (const AnnealCallbackFunction &, const LLL_AnnealFunction &, const BKZ_AnnealFunction &)
 Sets annealing functions for both LLL and BKZ.
void setAnnealingLLL (const AnnealCallbackFunction &, const LLL_AnnealFunction &)
 Sets annealing functions for LLL. More...
void setAnnealingBKZ (const AnnealCallbackFunction &, const BKZ_AnnealFunction &)
 Sets annealing functions for BKZ. More...
void disableAnnealing ()
 Disable annealing for both LLL and BKZ. More...
void disableAnnealingLLL ()
 Disable annealing for LLL. More...
void disableAnnealingBKZ ()
 Disable annealing for LLL. More...
bool isAnnealingLLLEnabled () const
 Tests whether annealing for LLL is enabled.
bool isAnnealingBKZEnabled () const
 Tests whether annealing for BKZ is enabled.
Deep Insertions related functions.
void setDeepInsertionMethod (DIMethod, DIMode=DIM_Default)
 Sets the Deep Insertions method and optionally also the mode. More...
void setDeepInsertionMode (DIMode)
 Sets the Deep Insertions mode. More...
void setDeepInsertionChoice (DIChoice, unsigned=1)
 Sets the Deep Insertion choice and block size, which by default is 1. More...
DIMethod getDeepInsertionMethod () const
 Retrieves the current Deep Insertions method. More...
DIMode getDeepInsertionMode () const
 Retrieves the current Deep Insertions mode. More...
DIChoice getDeepInsertionChoice () const
 Retrieves the current Deep Insertions choice. More...
unsigned getDeepInsertionBlocksize () const
 Retrieves the current Deep Insertions choice block size parameter. More...
Range related functions.
void setRange (unsigned begin, unsigned end=std::numeric_limits< unsigned >::max())
 Retricts all algorithms to the range [begin, end]. More...
std::pair< unsigned, unsigned > getRange () const
 Retrieves the current range. More...
Lattice functions.
void sort (bool projected=false)
 Sorts the vectors by their norm. More...
void sizereduction ()
 Applies only size reduction to the vectors. More...
void lll (double alpha=0.99, LLLMode mode=LLL_Classic)
 Applies LLL with given reduction parameter alpha ( $\alpha$) and mode mode. More...
void bkz (double alpha=0.99, unsigned blocksize=20, BKZMode mode=BKZ_SchnorrEuchner)
 Applies BKZ (or one of its variants) with given reduction parameter alpha ( $\alpha$), block size blocksize and mode mode. More...
void hkz (bool dual=false)
 Computes a Hermite-Korkine-Zolotarev reduced basis. More...
void svp (bool make_basis=true, bool extreme=false, bool dual=false)
 Computes a shortest vector of the lattice and inserts it at the beginning. More...
Lattice reduction testing functions.
bool isSizeReduced () const
 Tests whether the given lattice is size reduced.
bool isLLLBasis (double alpha=0.99, LLLMode mode=LLL_Classic) const
 Tests whether the given lattice basis is LLL reduced with respect to the given reduction parameter alpha ( $\alpha$) and mode mode. More...
bool isBKZBasis (double alpha=0.99, unsigned blocksize=20, BKZMode mode=BKZ_SchnorrEuchner) const
 Tests whether the given lattice basis is BKZ reduced with respect to the given reduction parameter alpha ( $\alpha$), the given block size blocksize and mode mode. More...
bool isHKZBasis (bool dual=false) const
 Tests whether the given lattice basis (or its reversed dual, in case dual is true) is HKZ reduced. More...
bool isSVPBasis (bool dual=false) const
 Tests whether the given lattice basis (or its reversed dual, in case dual is true) has a shortest vector at the first index. More...
Statistics related functions.
const StatisticsgetStatistics () const
 Retrieves the current statistics object.
void resetStatistics ()
 Resets the current statistics object.
Verbosity related functions.
void setVerbose (VerboseOutputLevel level, const VerboseFunction &=0)
 Sets the verbose output level to level. More...
VerboseOutputLevel getVerboseOutputLevel ()
 Retrieves the current verbose output level. More...
const VerboseFunctiongetVerboseFunction ()
 Retrieves the current verbose output function. More...

Detailed Description

Provides an interface to the lattice reduction algorithms of the plll library.

This class provides an interface to all lattice reduction algorithms of the plll library. It is possible to configure the algorithms using the interface and execute them. The lattice can be set and retrieved, and also callback functions can be set up.

Definition at line 66 of file plll.hpp.

Member Typedef Documentation

A callback function for Simulated Annealing.

It will be given the current basis and current temperature. It should modify the temperature T, and return true if another annealing round should be started or false if the algorithm should terminate.

If the given temperature T was negative when this function was called, then this call was done before the first annealing round and after the first LLL reduction.

Definition at line 851 of file plll.hpp.

A annealing function for BKZ.

It receives the current basis, the current index, the current window size, a linear combination comb of the basis vectors k, k+1, ... of the currently shortest vector found (by SVP solving), a arithmetic::Real context, a random number generator, the current temparature T, as well as a Gram-Schmidt informer object.

It can return true to indicate that the vector given by the linear combination lincomb should be inserted, or false to not insert a vector. Note that the function can freely modify the linear combination.

Definition at line 882 of file plll.hpp.

A generic callback function.

The current lattice will be passed as an argument and shall not be modified. The function can throw an exception of type stop_reduction to abort reduction.

See also

Definition at line 780 of file plll.hpp.

typedef boost::function<void(const linalg::math_matrix<arithmetic::NInt<long int> > &)> plll::LatticeReduction::CallbackFunction_LI

A generic callback function for long int lattices.

The current lattice will be passed as an argument and shall not be modified. The function can throw an exception of type stop_reduction to abort reduction.

See also

Definition at line 788 of file plll.hpp.

A callback function for newly found shortest vectors during enumerations, or more generally SVP solving.

The basis is given as an argument together with an index and a vector with coefficients, such that the shortest vector is a linear combination of the basis vectors p, p + 1, ... with the coefficients given in vec.

The function can throw an exception of type stop_enumeration to stop enumeration (and return the currently found vector), or of type stop_reduction to abort reduction.

See also

Definition at line 820 of file plll.hpp.

typedef boost::function<void(const linalg::math_matrix<arithmetic::NInt<long int> > & basis, int p, const linalg::math_rowvector<arithmetic::NInt<long int> > & vec)> plll::LatticeReduction::EnumCallbackFunction_LI

A callback function for newly found shortest vectors during enumerations, or more generally SVP solving. This callback is for long int lattices.

The basis is given as an argument together with an index and a vector with coefficients, such that the shortest vector is a linear combination of the basis vectors p, p + 1, ... with the coefficients given in vec.

The function can throw an exception of type stop_enumeration to stop enumeration (and return the currently found vector), or of type stop_reduction to abort reduction.

See also

Definition at line 835 of file plll.hpp.

A annealing function for LLL.

It receives the current basis, the current index, a arithmetic::Real context, a random number generator, the current temparature T, as well as a Gram-Schmidt informer object. It can return true to indicate that basis vector k should be swapped with basis vector k - 1, or false to indicate that nothing should be done.

Definition at line 867 of file plll.hpp.

A callback function for newly found shortest vectors.

The basis is given as an argument together with an index to the shortest vector in that base (encourntered so far). The function can throw an exception of type stop_reduction to abort reduction.

See also

Definition at line 798 of file plll.hpp.

typedef boost::function<void(const linalg::math_matrix<arithmetic::NInt<long int> > &, unsigned, const arithmetic::NInt<long int> &)> plll::LatticeReduction::MinCallbackFunction_LI

A callback function for newly found shortest vectors for long int lattices.

The basis is given as an argument together with an index to the shortest vector in that base (encourntered so far). The function can throw an exception of type stop_reduction to abort reduction.

See also

Definition at line 808 of file plll.hpp.

typedef boost::function<void(VerboseLevel, const std::string &)> plll::LatticeReduction::VerboseFunction

A verbose output callback function.

Given a verbose level (of type VerboseLevel) and a message, should somehow inform the caller about the content of the message.

See also
Verbose output

Definition at line 895 of file plll.hpp.

Member Enumeration Documentation

Specifies which arithmetic to use for Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization.

Specifies which arithmetic should be used by the plll library for Gram-Schmidt orthogonalizations. The choice of arithmetics might vary depending on the platform, but except for "Fast Compile" scenarios, at least rational, real, long double and double arithmetic is supported.

See also

Rational arithmetic, i.e. a pair of arithmetic::Integer objects is used for numerator and denominator. While this yields infinite precision, it is also quite slow.


MPFR-based arithmetic::Real arithmetic. This is a floating point type with arbitrary (but fixed) precision. A precision is automatically selected by the library.


The system's native long double arithmetic. This is a finite-precision floating point type with implementation defined precision. On Intel/AMD/... platforms, it usually provides a mantissa of 80 bits, while on UltraSparc platforms, this is a Float128 type with 112 bit mantissa, whose arithmetic is unfortunately usually implemented in software and not in hardware.

This is the default setting for plll.


The system's native double arithmetic. This is a finite-precision floating point type with implementation defined precision. It usually has a mantissa of 53 bits.


Uses two native double floating point numbers to represent floating point numbers with higher precision. While the exponent is still limited to a double's range, the precision is much higher; double double numbers correspond to floating point numbers with a mantissa of 104 bits.

Support for this arithmetic depends on the libqd library by Yozo Hida. It apparently does not work on UltraSparc CPUs.


Uses four native double floating point numbers to represent floating point numbers with higher precision. While the exponent is still limited to a double's range, the precision is much higher; quad double numbers correspond to floating point numbers with a mantissa of 209 bits.

Support for this arithmetic depends on the libqd library by Yozo Hida. It apparently does not work on UltraSparc CPUs.


Alias for the default arithmetic, i.e. for A_LongDouble.

Definition at line 123 of file plll.hpp.

Specifies which BKZ algorithm is used.

Specifies which BKZ algorithm is used by the plll library. Note that BKZ is somewhat misleading here, since most of these algorithms are known under completely different names. What all these algorithms have in common that they compute Korkine-Zolotarev or at least SVP bases for certain blocks of (projected) basis vectors, or their dual.


The classical Schnorr-Euchner BKZ algorithm, as described in Section 6 of [15] by C.-P. Schnorr and M. Euchner.

This is the default setting for plll.

See also
Schnorr-Euchner BKZ

A simplified version of the BKZ algorithm, as described by G. Hanrot, X. Pujol and D. Stehle in [8].

See also
Simplified BKZ

A "Terminating BKZ" variant of the simplified version of the BKZ algorithm, as described by G. Hanrot, X. Pujol and D. Stehle in [8]. This version computes Hermite-Korkine-Zolotarev (HKZ) bases for every block.

See also
Terminating BKZ

A "Terminating BKZ" variant of the simplified version of the BKZ algorithm, as described by G. Hanrot, X. Pujol and D. Stehle in [8]. This version computes Shortest Vector (SVP) bases for every block.

See also
Terminating BKZ

The primal-dual BKZ algorithm by H. Koy, as described in Section 3 of [17]

See also
Primal-Dual BKZ

The slide reduction algorithm, as described by N. Gama and P. Q. Nguyen in [5].

See also
Slide Reduction

A improved and accelerated version of Slide Reduction, as described in [18] by C.-P. Schnorr (Section 3).

See also
Improved Slide Reduction

A improved and accelerated version of Slide Reduction, as described in [18] by C.-P. Schnorr (Section 3).

This variant uses a larger dual SVP enumeration and a single primal SVP enumeration.

See also
Improved Slide Reduction

A improved and accelerated version of Slide Reduction, as described in [18] by C.-P. Schnorr (Section 3).

This variant uses a single larger primal SVP enumeration and one dual SVP enumeration.

See also
Improved Slide Reduction

The semi block 2k-reduction, as described by C.-P. Schnorr in Section 2 of [17].

See also

The Sampling Reduction, as described by J. A. Buchmann and C. Ludwig in [2].

See also
Sampling Reduction

Alias for the default BKZ variant, i.e. for BKZ_SchnorrEuchner.

Definition at line 315 of file plll.hpp.

Specifies which Deep Insertion choice is used.

Specifies which vectors are considered for Deep Insertions by the plll library.


Deep Insertions considers only the first t vectors of the basis, where t is given.


Deep Insertions considers only the block of t basis vectors ending at the current vector, where t is given.


Deep Insertions considers both the first t basis vectors, and the block of t basis vectors ending at the current vector, where t is given.

This is the default setting for the LLL reduction in V. Shoup's Number Theory Library, if Deep Insertions are enabled.


Deep Insertions considers all basis vectors as possible destinations.

This is the default setting for plll.


Alias for the default Deep Insertions choice, i.e. for DIC_All.

Definition at line 522 of file plll.hpp.

Specifies which Deep Insertion mode is used.

Specifies which Deep Insertion mode is used by the plll library. Note that Deep Insertions are not supported directly by all LLL and BKZ algorithms, but will be used by recursive LLL and BKZ calls.

The idea of Deep Insertions is that while usual LLL only swaps adjacent vectors, Deep Insertions also compares the current vectors with more previous vectors to decide where it could be inserted.


Disable Deep Insertions.

This is the default setting for plll.


Uses classic Deep Insertions as described by C.-P. Schnorr and M. Euchner in [15].


Uses potential minimizing Deep Insertions (PotLLL) as described by F. Fontein, M. Schneider and U. Wagner in [3] and [4].


Uses a variant of the potential minimizing Deep Insertions (PotLLL2) as described by F. Fontein, M. Schneider and U. Wagner in [4]. See "PotLLL2" in Section 3.1.


Alias for the default Deep Insertions mode, i.e. for DI_None.

Definition at line 485 of file plll.hpp.

Specifies which Deep Insertions mode is used.

Specifies which kind Deep Insertions mode is used, i.e. whether the insertions are done before and/or after size reduction.


Do Deep Insertions only before size reduction.


Do Deep Insertions only after size reduction.


Do Deep Insertions both before and after size reduction.

This is the default setting for plll.


Alias for the default Deep Insertions mode, i.e. for DIM_Both.

Definition at line 552 of file plll.hpp.

Specifies which Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization is used.

Specifies which Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization should be used by the plll library. Always available are classic GS, classic GS with integer arithmetic, and numerically stable GS. For floating-point arithmetic, also Givens rotations can be used for GS orthogonalization.

See also
Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization

"Classical" Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization. Uses formulae to update Gram-Schmidt coefficients on swaps, transformations etc., which can introduce additional error with floating point arithmetic.


Integer-based Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization. Internally uses arbitrary precision integers respectively rational numbers. Slow, but always accurate.


Uses Givens rotations to compute Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization. Only available for floating-point arithmetic (i.e. everything but A_Rational). Uses formulae to update Gram-Schmidt coefficients on swaps, transformations etc., which can introduce additional error with floating point arithmetic.


Uses numerically stable Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization as described by P. Q. Nguyen and D. Stehle in [12]. This arithmetic is more resilient against approximation errors than other approaches. Instead of updating GS coefficients for swaps, transformations etc., these are recomputed to ensure maximal precision.

This is the default setting for plll.


Alias for the default Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization, i.e. for A_NumStable.

Definition at line 209 of file plll.hpp.

Specifies which arithmetic to use for integer operations.

Specifies which arithmetic should be used by the plll library for integer operations. Besides GMP-based arbitrary precision integers, it also provides support for system-dependent long int integers and for an automatic decision mode which uses arbitrary precision integers if necessary and system integers otherwise.

See also

Decides based on the input whether to use arbitrary precision integer arithmetic or system-dependent integer arithmetic. This decision is analyzed from time to time, and arithmetic is changed when necessary.

This is the default setting for plll.


Uses arithmetic::Integer arbitrary precision integers. These are provided by GMP and are only limited by the system's available RAM.


Uses long int native CPU arithmetic. On modern CPUs, this yields at least 64 bits of precision.


Alias for the default integer arithmetic, i.e. for A_Auto.

Definition at line 178 of file plll.hpp.

Specifies which LLL condition is used.

Specifies which LLL condition is used by the plll library. One can choose between the original condition introduced by Lenstra, Lenstra and Lovász, a "unprojected" variant comparing the norms in the ambient space, and the Siegel condition.


The original condition by Lenstra, Lenstra and Lovász, called the Lovász condition, which compares the projected lengths of two adjacent vectors, where the vectors are projected onto the orthogonal complement of all previous vectors.

In terms of the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization $\pi_1(b_1), \dots, \pi_k(b_k)$ of the basis $b_1, \dots, b_k$, this condition can be expressed as $\alpha \cdot \|\pi_k(b_k)\|^2 > \|\pi_k(b_{k+1})\|^2$.

This is the default setting for plll.

See also
Classic LLL

A simpler condition, which compares the unprojected lengths of two adjacent.

In terms of the basis $b_1, \dots, b_k$, this condition can be expressed as $\alpha \cdot \|b_k\|^2 > \|b_{k+1}\|^2$.

See also
Unprojected LLL

A simpler condition, which allows to prove the same bounds on the output quality, called the Siegel condition. Note that the Lovász condition implies the Siegel condition.

In terms of the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization $\pi_1(b_1), \dots, \pi_k(b_k)$ of the basis $b_1, \dots, b_k$, this condition can be expressed as $\frac{3}{4} \cdot \alpha \cdot \|\pi_k(b_k)\|^2 > \|\pi_{k+1}(b_{k+1})\|^2$.

See also
Siegel LLL

Alias for the default LLL condition, i.e. for LLL_Classic.

Definition at line 270 of file plll.hpp.

Specifies which SVP solver is used.

Specifies which SVP solver is used by the plll library. For small enough dimensions, always a simple (but efficient) enumeration variant is used, except for the highest level reduction, where always the selected solver is used.


A variant of the Kannan-Schnorr-Euchner enumeration algorithm [15] with various improvements; see, for example, Appendix B of [7].

See also
Kannan-Schnorr-Euchner enumeration

A parallelized variant of the Kannan-Schnorr-Euchner enumeration algorithm [15] with various improvements. The parallelization uses multiple cores. There is almost no communication between cores, except if a shorter vector is found by one, or if one core runs out of work and asks others to split their workload.

This is the default setting for plll. Note that in case only one core is available, automatically the solver SVP_KannanSchnorrEuchner will be used.

See also
Kannan-Schnorr-Euchner enumeration

A (single threaded) version of Schnorr's new SVP solver, as described in [19] by C.-P. Schnorr.

This implementation is still experimental.

See also
Schnorr's new SVP solver

A deterministic SVP solver which first computes the voronoi cell of the lattice. While being deterministic and asymptotically faster than enumeration, in practice this algorithm is only usable for very low dimensions, say at most 10, where enumeration is still much faster. This algorithm was described by D. Micciancio and P. Voulgaris in [11].

See also
Voronoi Cell computation

The probabilistic list sieve SVP solver. It was described by D. Micciancio and P. Voulgaris in Section 3.1 of [10].

This implementation is still experimental.

See also
List Sieve

The probabilistic list sieve (with birthday paradox exploitation) SVP solver. It was described by X. Pujol and D. Stehle in the paper [14].

This implementation is still experimental.

See also
List Sieve Birthday

The probabilistic Gauss sieve SVP solver. It was described by D. Micciancio and P. Voulgaris in Section 3.2 of [10]. Our implementation is similar to one by P. Voulgaris.

See also
Gauss Sieve

Alias for the default SVP solver, i.e. for SVP_ParallelKannanSchnorrEuchner.

Definition at line 409 of file plll.hpp.

Specifies which transformation matrix is computed.

Specifies which kind of transformation matrix is computed by the plll library, if computation of transformation matrices is requested.


Computes a transformation matrix $T_1$ such that if $A$ is the old and $A'$ the new matrix representing the lattice before respectively after reduction, then $T_1 \cdot A = A'$.


Computes a transformation matrix $T_2$ such that if $A$ is the old and $A'$ the new matrix representing the lattice before respectively after reduction, then $T_2 \cdot A' = A$. Note that if the matrices are square, then both are invertible and $T_2 = T_1^{-1}$.

Definition at line 249 of file plll.hpp.

Specifies a warning level for a specific output message.

Specifies the level of a specific output message. This is used to inform a VerboseFunction callback function which level the given message has.

See also
Verbose output

The given message is an error.


The given message is a warning.


The given message is purely informative.


The given message is chatter which can safely be ignored. Can be helpful for debugging purposes or to see more about how the algorithms work.

Definition at line 596 of file plll.hpp.

Specifies the verbosity output level.

Specifies the verbosity output level of the plll library. It can be configured between no output, and full output. Note that by outputting, it is meant that the specified VerboseFunction is called (or its default, which uses std::cerr).

See also
Verbose output

Outputs nothing.


Outputs only warnings and errors.


Outputs warnings, errors and informative messages.


Outputs everything.

Definition at line 575 of file plll.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

plll::LatticeReduction::LatticeReduction ( const linalg::math_matrix< arithmetic::Integer > &  lattice)

Creates a LatticeReduction object with default settings, and sets the lattice basis to the given matrix.

latticeThe matrix whose rows to take as a generating system for the lattice.
See also
void setLattice(const linalg::math_matrix<arithmetic::Integer> & lattice)
template<typename IType >
plll::LatticeReduction::LatticeReduction ( const linalg::math_matrix< arithmetic::NInt< IType > > &  lattice)

Creates a LatticeReduction object with default settings, and sets the lattice basis to the given matrix.

latticeThe matrix whose rows to take as a generating system for the lattice.
Template Parameters
ITypeA native CPU integer type. Must be int, long int or long long.
See also
void setLattice(const linalg::math_matrix<arithmetic::Integer> & lattice)

Member Function Documentation

void plll::LatticeReduction::bkz ( double  alpha = 0.99,
unsigned  blocksize = 20,
BKZMode  mode = BKZ_SchnorrEuchner 

Applies BKZ (or one of its variants) with given reduction parameter alpha ( $\alpha$), block size blocksize and mode mode.

By default, the reduction parameter is 0.99, the block size is 20 and the mode is BKZ_SchnorrEuchner.

Note that often 0.99 completely suffices as a reduction parameter, and that the default alpha used by Lenstra, Lenstra and Lovász is 0.75.

See also
BKZ-like reduction
unsigned plll::LatticeReduction::dimension ( ) const

Returns the dimension of the ambient space in which the lattice exists.

When there is no linear dependence among the vectors, dimension() is never less than rank().

void plll::LatticeReduction::disableAnnealing ( )

Disable annealing for both LLL and BKZ.

void plll::LatticeReduction::disableAnnealingBKZ ( )

Disable annealing for LLL.

See also
void plll::LatticeReduction::disableAnnealingLLL ( )

Disable annealing for LLL.

See also
void plll::LatticeReduction::disableTransform ( )

Disables recording of a transformation matrix.

See also
Recording transformation matrices
void plll::LatticeReduction::enableTransform ( Transform  = T_Normal)

Enables that from this point on, a transformation matrix is recorded.

The argument allows to chose which transformation matrix is created; by default, a normal one is created, such that if $A$ denotes the basis at this point, $A'$ at a later point and $T$ the transformation matrix at that point, then $T \cdot A = A'$.

See also
Recording transformation matrices
bool plll::LatticeReduction::ensurePrecision ( unsigned  long)

Ensures a minimal floating point precision (if possible).

For variable precision floating point arithmetic (i.e. A_Real), ensures that the given minimum precision is used. Returns true if the precision can be set, or false if it cannot.

See also
void plll::LatticeReduction::forceGSRebuild ( bool  makeSureAllComputed = false)

Forces the Gram-Schmidt coefficients to be rebuild.

If the argument makeSureAllComputed is set to true, all Gram-Schmidt coefficients are build now and not when they are needed.

This can be called when no algorithm is currently running.

Arithmetic plll::LatticeReduction::getArithmetic ( ) const

Returns the currently set arithmetic for Gram-Schmidt orthogonalizations.

See also
std::pair<CallbackFunction, CallbackFunction_LI> plll::LatticeReduction::getCallbackFunction ( ) const

Retrieves the currently set callback function.

See also
double plll::LatticeReduction::getCallbackInterval ( ) const

Retrieves the current (minimal) callback interval.

See also
unsigned plll::LatticeReduction::getDeepInsertionBlocksize ( ) const

Retrieves the current Deep Insertions choice block size parameter.

See also
Deep Insertions
DIChoice plll::LatticeReduction::getDeepInsertionChoice ( ) const

Retrieves the current Deep Insertions choice.

See also
Deep Insertions
DIMethod plll::LatticeReduction::getDeepInsertionMethod ( ) const

Retrieves the current Deep Insertions method.

See also
Deep Insertions
DIMode plll::LatticeReduction::getDeepInsertionMode ( ) const

Retrieves the current Deep Insertions mode.

See also
Deep Insertions
std::pair<EnumCallbackFunction, EnumCallbackFunction_LI> plll::LatticeReduction::getEnumCallbackFunction ( )

Retrieves the current enumeration callback function.

See also
GramSchmidt plll::LatticeReduction::getGramSchmidt ( ) const

Returns the currently used Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization method.

See also
Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization
bool plll::LatticeReduction::getGramSchmidtRestart ( ) const

Returns whether restarts are used for the current Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization method.

See also
Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization
double plll::LatticeReduction::getGSCoefficientD ( unsigned  ,
) const

Returns the (i, j) Gram-Schmidt coefficient as a double.

This can be called when no algorithm is currently running.

long double plll::LatticeReduction::getGSCoefficientLD ( unsigned  ,
) const

Returns the (i, j) Gram-Schmidt coefficient as a long double.

This can be called when no algorithm is currently running.

arithmetic::Real plll::LatticeReduction::getGSCoefficientR ( unsigned  ,
) const

Returns the (i, j) Gram-Schmidt coefficient as a arithmetic::Real number.

This can be called when no algorithm is currently running.

arithmetic::Real plll::LatticeReduction::getGSCoefficientR ( unsigned  ,
unsigned  ,
const arithmetic::RealContext  
) const

Returns the (i, j) Gram-Schmidt coefficient as a arithmetic::Real number.

This can be called when no algorithm is currently running. Uses the default arithmetic::RealContext.

double plll::LatticeReduction::getGSSqNormD ( unsigned  ) const

Returns the squared norm of the i-th Gram-Schmidt orthogonalized basis vector as a double.

This can be called when no algorithm is currently running.

long double plll::LatticeReduction::getGSSqNormLD ( unsigned  ) const

Returns the squared norm of the i-th Gram-Schmidt orthogonalized basis vector as a long double.

This can be called when no algorithm is currently running.

arithmetic::Real plll::LatticeReduction::getGSSqNormR ( unsigned  ) const

Returns the squared norm of the i-th Gram-Schmidt orthogonalized basis vector as a arithmetic::Real number.

This can be called when no algorithm is currently running.

arithmetic::Real plll::LatticeReduction::getGSSqNormR ( unsigned  ,
const arithmetic::RealContext  
) const

Returns the squared norm of the i-th Gram-Schmidt orthogonalized basis vector as a arithmetic::Real number.

This can be called when no algorithm is currently running. Uses the default arithmetic::RealContext.

Integers plll::LatticeReduction::getIntegers ( ) const

Returns the currently set integer arithmetic.

See also
const linalg::math_matrix<arithmetic::Integer>& plll::LatticeReduction::getLattice ( ) const

Returns the current lattice generating set as a matrix.

The rows of the matrix are the vectors.

unsigned plll::LatticeReduction::getMaximalCoreUsage ( )

Returns the current maximal number of cores used.

See also
std::pair<MinCallbackFunction, MinCallbackFunction_LI> plll::LatticeReduction::getMinCallbackFunction ( ) const

Retrieves the currently set minimum callback function.

See also
std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> plll::LatticeReduction::getRange ( ) const

Retrieves the current range.

See also
Reduction Range
const linalg::math_matrix<arithmetic::Integer>* plll::LatticeReduction::getTransformation ( ) const

Queries the current transformation matrix.

If none is recorded, NULL is returned.

See also
Recording transformation matrices
Transform plll::LatticeReduction::getTransformationMode ( ) const

Queries whether transformation matrix (normal or inverse) is recorded.

See also
Recording transformation matrices
const VerboseFunction& plll::LatticeReduction::getVerboseFunction ( )

Retrieves the current verbose output function.

See also
Verbose output
VerboseOutputLevel plll::LatticeReduction::getVerboseOutputLevel ( )

Retrieves the current verbose output level.

See also
Verbose output
void plll::LatticeReduction::hkz ( bool  dual = false)

Computes a Hermite-Korkine-Zolotarev reduced basis.

This is one of the strongest reduction method known and cannot be computed efficiently. It will be computed by $k$ calls to the SVP solver if a lattice of rank $k$ is given.

In case dual is set to true, a HKZ basis will be computed of the reversed dual of the current lattice.

bool plll::LatticeReduction::isBKZBasis ( double  alpha = 0.99,
unsigned  blocksize = 20,
BKZMode  mode = BKZ_SchnorrEuchner 
) const

Tests whether the given lattice basis is BKZ reduced with respect to the given reduction parameter alpha ( $\alpha$), the given block size blocksize and mode mode.

See also
bkz(alpha, blocksize, mode)
bool plll::LatticeReduction::isHKZBasis ( bool  dual = false) const

Tests whether the given lattice basis (or its reversed dual, in case dual is true) is HKZ reduced.

See also
bool plll::LatticeReduction::isLLLBasis ( double  alpha = 0.99,
LLLMode  mode = LLL_Classic 
) const

Tests whether the given lattice basis is LLL reduced with respect to the given reduction parameter alpha ( $\alpha$) and mode mode.

See also
lll(alpha, mode)
bool plll::LatticeReduction::isSVPBasis ( bool  dual = false) const

Tests whether the given lattice basis (or its reversed dual, in case dual is true) has a shortest vector at the first index.

See also
svp(*, *, dual)
bool plll::LatticeReduction::isTransformationRecorded ( ) const

Queries whether a transformation matrix is recorded.

See also
Recording transformation matrices
void plll::LatticeReduction::lll ( double  alpha = 0.99,
LLLMode  mode = LLL_Classic 

Applies LLL with given reduction parameter alpha ( $\alpha$) and mode mode.

By default, the reduction parameter is 0.99 and the mode is LLL_Classic.

Note that often 0.99 completely suffices as a reduction parameter, and that the default alpha used by Lenstra, Lenstra and Lovász is 0.75.

See also
LLL-like reduction
void plll::LatticeReduction::modAdd ( unsigned  i,
unsigned  j,
const arithmetic::Integer m 

Adds m times the i-th basis vector to the j-th basis vector.

This can be called when no algorithm is currently running.

void plll::LatticeReduction::modFlip ( unsigned  )

Flips the signs of the given basis vector.

This can be called when no algorithm is currently running.

void plll::LatticeReduction::modSwap ( unsigned  ,

Swaps two given basis vectors.

This can be called when no algorithm is currently running.

unsigned plll::LatticeReduction::rank ( ) const

Returns the current rank, i.e. the number of generating vectors.

After calling LLL or another reduction algorithm (not sort etc.), this equals the rank of the lattice since the vectors are in fact a basis.

void plll::LatticeReduction::setAnnealingBKZ ( const AnnealCallbackFunction ,
const BKZ_AnnealFunction  

Sets annealing functions for BKZ.

See also
void plll::LatticeReduction::setAnnealingLLL ( const AnnealCallbackFunction ,
const LLL_AnnealFunction  

Sets annealing functions for LLL.

See also
void plll::LatticeReduction::setArithmetic ( Arithmetic  )

Sets which arithmetic will be used for Gram-Schmidt orthogonalizations.

See also
void plll::LatticeReduction::setCallbackFunction ( const CallbackFunction ,
const CallbackFunction_LI = CallbackFunction_LI() 

Sets a callback function.

The callback function will be called in regular intervals during calls to reduction algorithms. These intervals are garuanteed minimal waiting times between calls; there is no upper bound; if for example an enumeration is running, this function will only be called when the enumeration eventually finishes.

If only a usual CallbackFunction callback function is set and the integer arithmetic is set to I_LongInt or I_Auto (and long int lattices are processed), the lattice must be converted for every call.
See also
void plll::LatticeReduction::setCallbackFunction ( const CallbackFunction_LI )

Sets a callback function.

The callback function will be called in regular intervals during calls to reduction algorithms. These intervals are garuanteed minimal waiting times between calls; there is no upper bound; if for example an enumeration is running, this function will only be called when the enumeration eventually finishes.

If the integer arithmetic is set to I_ArbitraryPrecision or I_Auto (and arithmetic::Integer lattices are processed), the lattice must be converted for every call.
See also
void plll::LatticeReduction::setCallbackInterval ( double  = 60.0 *5.0)

Sets the callback interval for the callback function.

By default, the interval is every 5 minutes. The value can be set in seconds, where fractional multiples are allowed.

See also
void plll::LatticeReduction::setDeepInsertionChoice ( DIChoice  ,
unsigned  = 1 

Sets the Deep Insertion choice and block size, which by default is 1.

See also
Deep Insertions
void plll::LatticeReduction::setDeepInsertionMethod ( DIMethod  ,
DIMode  = DIM_Default 

Sets the Deep Insertions method and optionally also the mode.

The default for the mode is DIM_Default.

See also
Deep Insertions
void plll::LatticeReduction::setDeepInsertionMode ( DIMode  )

Sets the Deep Insertions mode.

See also
Deep Insertions
void plll::LatticeReduction::setDefaultAnnealing ( )

Sets the default annealing functions.

This is equivalent to a call both to setDefaultAnnealingLLL() and setDefaultAnnealingBKZ().

void plll::LatticeReduction::setDefaultAnnealingBKZ ( )

Sets the defalut BKZ annealing function.

See also
void plll::LatticeReduction::setDefaultAnnealingLLL ( )

Sets the defalut LLL annealing function.

See also
void plll::LatticeReduction::setEnumCallbackFunction ( const EnumCallbackFunction ,
const EnumCallbackFunction_LI = EnumCallbackFunction_LI() 

Sets a enumeration callback function which will be used if a new shortest vector is found during an enumeration.

Note that the found vector might be much longer than vectors found during previous enumerations or during previous calls of a MinCallbackFunction; it will only be shorter than the vectors found during the current enumeration.

If only a usual EnumCallbackFunction callback function is set and the integer arithmetic is set to I_LongInt or I_Auto (and long int lattices are processed), the lattice must be converted for every call.
See also
void plll::LatticeReduction::setEnumCallbackFunction ( const EnumCallbackFunction_LI )

Sets a enumeration callback function which will be used if a new shortest vector is found during an enumeration.

Note that the found vector might be much longer than vectors found during previous enumerations or during previous calls of a MinCallbackFunction; it will only be shorter than the vectors found during the current enumeration.

If the integer arithmetic is set to I_ArbitraryPrecision or I_Auto (and arithmetic::Integer lattices are processed), the lattice must be converted for every call.
See also
void plll::LatticeReduction::setGramSchmidt ( GramSchmidt  )

Sets which Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization method will be used.

See also
Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization
void plll::LatticeReduction::setGramSchmidtRestart ( bool  )

Sets that the current Gram-Schmidt method should use restarts.

This makes only sense for G_Classic and G_Givens, where swap(), add() etc. modify the Gram-Schmidt coefficients directly and thus might propagate approximation errors.

Currently experimental.

See also
Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization
void plll::LatticeReduction::setIntegers ( Integers  )

Sets which integer arithmetic will be used for all lattice operations.

See also
void plll::LatticeReduction::setLattice ( const linalg::math_matrix< arithmetic::Integer > &  lattice)

Sets the current lattice of the LatticeReduction object to the lattice given by the current matrix.

The rows of the matrix lattice are taken as the generating set.

template<typename IType >
void plll::LatticeReduction::setLattice ( const linalg::math_matrix< arithmetic::NInt< IType > > &  lattice)

Sets the current lattice of the LatticeReduction object to the lattice given by the current matrix.

The rows of the matrix lattice are taken as the generating set.

Template Parameters
ITypeA native CPU integer type. Must be int, long int or long long.
void plll::LatticeReduction::setMaximalCoreUsage ( unsigned  )

Setups the maximal number of cores which will be used by the plll library.

If 0 is specified, as many as possible (i.e. needed and available) are used. This currently only affects parallel enumeration.

The default value is 0.

See also
void plll::LatticeReduction::setMinCallbackFunction ( const MinCallbackFunction ,
const MinCallbackFunction_LI = MinCallbackFunction_LI() 

Sets a minimum callback function which will be called as soon as a new shortest vector is found during reduction.

It will not be called during enumerations (see [setEnumCallbackFunction](setEnumCallbackFunction) for this case), but only afterwards if the returned vector is shorter than the previous ones.

(Note that the unprojected norms will be used to compare lengths.)

If only a usual MinCallbackFunction callback function is set and the integer arithmetic is set to I_LongInt or I_Auto (and long int lattices are processed), the lattice must be converted for every call.
See also
void plll::LatticeReduction::setMinCallbackFunction ( const MinCallbackFunction_LI )

Sets a minimum callback function which will be called as soon as a new shortest vector is found during reduction.

It will not be called during enumerations (see [setEnumCallbackFunction](setEnumCallbackFunction) for this case), but only afterwards if the returned vector is shorter than the previous ones.

(Note that the unprojected norms will be used to compare lengths.)

If the integer arithmetic is set to I_ArbitraryPrecision or I_Auto (and arithmetic::Integer lattices are processed), the lattice must be converted for every call.
See also
void plll::LatticeReduction::setRange ( unsigned  begin,
unsigned  end = std::numeric_limits< unsigned >::max() 

Retricts all algorithms to the range [begin, end].

If not said otherwise, they will be dealt with after projection into the orthogonal complement of the first begin basis vectors.

If end is larger than the index of the last vector, all basis vectors following index begin will be used. The default is to handle all basis vectors.

See also
Reduction Range
void plll::LatticeReduction::setVerbose ( VerboseOutputLevel  level,
const VerboseFunction = 0 

Sets the verbose output level to level.

If given, the current verbose output function will also be set.

See also
Verbose output
void plll::LatticeReduction::sizereduction ( )

Applies only size reduction to the vectors.

See also
How lattice reduction works
void plll::LatticeReduction::sort ( bool  projected = false)

Sorts the vectors by their norm.

If the parameter projected is set to true, the Gram-Schmidt projected norms are used instead.

void plll::LatticeReduction::svp ( bool  make_basis = true,
bool  extreme = false,
bool  dual = false 

Computes a shortest vector of the lattice and inserts it at the beginning.

If make_basis is set to true, the resulting generating system is reduced to a basis using LLL, so that the first vector is the shortest (such bases are also called SVP bases).

If extreme is set to true, Extreme Pruning as described by N. Gama, P. Q. Nguyen and O. Regev in [7] will be used. Note that this is experimental at the moment.

In case dual is set to true, a SVP generating system respectively basis will be computed of the reversed dual of the current lattice.

See also
SVP solvers

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