▼Nplll | Contains the plll library |
▼Narithmetic | Contains the arithmetic backend of plll |
►Nexpressions | Expression templates |
CAbsOp | Returns the absolute value of the operand |
CAbsOp_Context | Returns the absolute value of the operand. Uses the context stored in the operator |
CACosOp | Returns the arcus cosine of the operand |
CACosOp_Context | Returns the arcus cosine of the operand. Uses the context stored in the operator |
CAddOp | Returns the sum of the operands |
CAndOp | Returns the bitwise AND of the operands |
CASinOp | Returns the arcus sine of the operand |
CASinOp_Context | Returns the arcus sine of the operand. Uses the context stored in the operator |
CATan2Op | Returns the arcus tangent of the quotient of the operands |
CATan2Op_Context | Returns the arcus tangent of the quotient of the operands. Uses the context stored in the operator |
CATanOp | Returns the arcus tangent of the operand |
CATanOp_Context | Returns the arcus tangent of the operand. Uses the context stored in the operator |
CBitInvOp | Returns the bitwise inversion of the operands |
CCeilDivOp | Returns the ceil of the quotient of the two operands |
CConversionWrapper | Wraps a native type for a conversion |
CConvertCeilOp_Context | Converts the argument to the destination type by rounding up (ceil). Uses the context stored in the operator |
CConvertFloorOp_Context | Converts the argument to the destination type by rounding down (floor). Uses the context stored in the operator |
CConvertOp_Context | Converts the argument to the destination type. Uses the context stored in the operator |
CConvertRound2Op_Context | Converts the argument to the destination type by rounding. Uses the context stored in the operator and stores the rounding direction in the provided bool reference |
CConvertRoundOp_Context | Converts the argument to the destination type by rounding. Uses the context stored in the operator |
CCosOp | Returns the cosine of the operand |
CCosOp_Context | Returns the cosine of the operand. Uses the context stored in the operator |
CDivOp | Returns the quotient of the operands |
CExpOp | Returns the exponential of the operand |
CExpOp_Context | Returns the exponential of the operand. Uses the context stored in the operator |
CExpression | Represents an expression |
CFloorDivOp | Returns the floor of the quotient of the two operands |
CGammaOp | Returns the Gamma function evaluated of the operand |
CGammaOp_Context | Returns the Gamma function evaluated of the operand. Uses the context stored in the operator |
CGCDOp | Returns the GCD of the two operands |
CLCMOp | Returns the LCM of the two operands |
CLGamma2Op | Returns the logarithm of the absolute value of the Gamma function evaluated of the operand together with the sign of the Gamma function |
CLGamma2Op_Context | Returns the logarithm of the absolute value of the Gamma function evaluated of the operand together with the sign of the Gamma function. Uses the context stored in the operator |
CLGammaOp | Returns the logarithm of the absolute value of the Gamma function evaluated of the operand |
CLGammaOp_Context | Returns the logarithm of the absolute value of the Gamma function evaluated of the operand. Uses the context stored in the operator |
CLog10Op | Returns the logarithm to base 10 of the operand |
CLog10Op_Context | Returns the logarithm to base 10 of the operand. Uses the context stored in the operator |
CLog2Op | Returns the logarithm to base 2 of the operand |
CLog2Op_Context | Returns the logarithm to base 2 of the operand. Uses the context stored in the operator |
CLogOp | Returns the natural logarithm of the operand |
CLogOp_Context | Returns the natural logarithm of the operand. Uses the context stored in the operator |
CModOp | Returns the remainder of the operands |
CMulOp | Returns the product of the operands |
CNegOp | Returns the negative of the operand |
CNoData | A simple "no data" indicator |
CNoneOp | Simply provides the data without any modifications |
COrOp | Returns the bitwise OR of the operands |
►CPowerCOp | Returns the power of the operand to a constant stored in the operator object |
Cimpl | Implementation of raising to a power by a constant exponent |
►CPowerCOp_Context | Returns the power of the operand to a constant stored in the operator object. Uses the context stored in the operator |
Cimpl | Implementation of raising to a power by a constant exponent |
CPowerOp | Returns the power of the first operand to the second operand |
CPowerOp_Context | Returns the power of the first operand to the second operand. Uses the context stored in the operator |
CRoundDivOp | Returns the rounded quotient of the two operands |
CShiftCOp | Returns the operand multiplied by 2 to the power of a constant |
CShLOp | Returns the first operand multiplied by 2 to the power of the second operand |
CShROp | Returns the first operand divided by 2 to the power of the second operand |
CSinOp | Returns the sine of the operand |
CSinOp_Context | Returns the sine of the operand. Uses the context stored in the operator |
CSqrtCeilOp | Returns the ceil of the square root of the operand |
CSqrtFloorOp | Returns the floor of the square root of the operand |
CSqrtOp | Returns the square root of the operand |
CSqrtOp_Context | Returns the square root of the operand. Uses the context stored in the operator |
CSquareOp | Returns the square of the operand |
CSquareOp_Context | Returns the square of the operand. Uses the context stored in the operator |
CSubOp | Returns the difference of the operands |
CTanOp | Returns the tangent of the operand |
CTanOp_Context | Returns the tangent of the operand. Uses the context stored in the operator |
CWrapper | Wraps a variable to behave similarly to an Expression<> object |
CXOROp | Returns the bitwise XOR (exclusive or) of the operands |
►Nimplementation | |
Cbinary_operation_impl | Provides information on the result of a binary arithmetic operation |
Cbinary_operation_impl< NInt< Type >, NInt< Type >, Op > | |
Cconversion_impl | Provides conversion implementation from type SourceType to DestContext::Type |
Cconversion_impl< char *, Context > | Provides C-style string to type conversions using the usual type conversion facility |
Cconversion_impl< char[n], Context > | Provides C-style string to type conversions using the usual type conversion facility |
Cconversion_impl< const char *, Context > | Provides C-style string to type conversions using the usual type conversion facility |
Cconversion_impl< const char[n], Context > | Provides C-style string to type conversions using the usual type conversion facility |
Cconversion_impl< double, IntegerContext > | |
Cconversion_impl< double, NIntContext< Type > > | |
Cconversion_impl< double, RationalContext > | |
Cconversion_impl< double, RealContext > | |
Cconversion_impl< expressions::Expression< IntegerContext, Data, Op >, Dest > | |
Cconversion_impl< expressions::Expression< IntegerContext, Data, Op >, RationalContext > | |
Cconversion_impl< expressions::Expression< SourceContext, Data, Op >, Dest > | Implements a conversion from an expression to a destination context |
Cconversion_impl< float, IntegerContext > | |
Cconversion_impl< float, NIntContext< Type > > | |
Cconversion_impl< float, RationalContext > | |
Cconversion_impl< float, RealContext > | |
Cconversion_impl< Integer, NIntContext< Type > > | |
Cconversion_impl< Integer, RationalContext > | |
Cconversion_impl< Integer, RealContext > | |
Cconversion_impl< long double, IntegerContext > | |
Cconversion_impl< long double, NIntContext< Type > > | |
Cconversion_impl< long double, RationalContext > | |
Cconversion_impl< long double, RealContext > | |
Cconversion_impl< long long, IntegerContext > | |
Cconversion_impl< long long, NIntContext< Type > > | |
Cconversion_impl< long long, RationalContext > | |
Cconversion_impl< long long, RealContext > | |
Cconversion_impl< NInt< int >, NIntContext< long > > | |
Cconversion_impl< NInt< int >, NIntContext< long long > > | |
Cconversion_impl< NInt< long >, NIntContext< int > > | |
Cconversion_impl< NInt< long >, NIntContext< long long > > | |
Cconversion_impl< NInt< long long >, NIntContext< int > > | |
Cconversion_impl< NInt< long long >, NIntContext< long > > | |
Cconversion_impl< NInt< Type >, IntegerContext > | |
Cconversion_impl< NInt< Type >, RationalContext > | |
Cconversion_impl< NInt< Type >, RealContext > | |
Cconversion_impl< Rational, IntegerContext > | |
Cconversion_impl< Rational, NIntContext< Type > > | |
Cconversion_impl< Rational, RealContext > | |
Cconversion_impl< Real, IntegerContext > | |
Cconversion_impl< Real, NIntContext< Type > > | |
Cconversion_impl< Real, RationalContext > | |
Cconversion_impl< Real, RealContext > | Provides an identity conversion from a type to itself for the Real type. Note that the context is not ignored |
Cconversion_impl< signed int, IntegerContext > | |
Cconversion_impl< signed int, NIntContext< Type > > | |
Cconversion_impl< signed int, RationalContext > | |
Cconversion_impl< signed int, RealContext > | |
Cconversion_impl< signed long, IntegerContext > | |
Cconversion_impl< signed long, NIntContext< Type > > | |
Cconversion_impl< signed long, RationalContext > | |
Cconversion_impl< signed long, RealContext > | |
Cconversion_impl< std::string, Context > | Provides std::string to type conversions using the usual type conversion facility |
Cconversion_impl< Type, HexStringContext > | Provides type to string conversions using the usual type conversion facility (for base 16) |
Cconversion_impl< Type, OctalStringContext > | Provides type to string conversions using the usual type conversion facility (for base 8) |
Cconversion_impl< Type, StringContext > | Provides type to string conversions using the usual type conversion facility |
Cconversion_impl< typename Context::Type, Context > | Provides an identity conversion from a type to itself. Note that the context is ignored |
Cconversion_impl< unsigned int, IntegerContext > | |
Cconversion_impl< unsigned int, NIntContext< Type > > | |
Cconversion_impl< unsigned int, RationalContext > | |
Cconversion_impl< unsigned int, RealContext > | |
Cconversion_impl< unsigned long, IntegerContext > | |
Cconversion_impl< unsigned long, NIntContext< Type > > | |
Cconversion_impl< unsigned long, RationalContext > | |
Cconversion_impl< unsigned long, RealContext > | |
Cfrom_string_conversion | Provides facilities to convert strings to types |
Cfrom_string_conversion< IntegerContext > | |
Cfrom_string_conversion< RealContext > | |
Cget_unsigned | |
Cget_unsigned< int > | |
Cget_unsigned< long > | |
Cget_unsigned< long long > | |
CGetUnsignedType | |
CGetUnsignedType< signed int > | |
CGetUnsignedType< signed long > | |
CGetUnsignedType< signed long long > | |
CGetUnsignedType< signed short int > | |
CGetUnsignedType< unsigned int > | |
CGetUnsignedType< unsigned long > | |
CGetUnsignedType< unsigned long long > | |
CGetUnsignedType< unsigned short int > | |
Cnativeconversion_impl | Implementation backend for conversions from context types to native types |
Cnativeconversion_impl2 | Implementation backend for native conversion functions |
Cnativeconversion_impl2< double, SourceType, false, SourceInt > | Provides an implementation of the plll::arithmetic::implementation::nativeconversion_impl2<> template for conversions to double |
Cnativeconversion_impl2< float, SourceType, false, SourceInt > | Provides an implementation of the plll::arithmetic::implementation::nativeconversion_impl2<> template for conversions to float |
Cnativeconversion_impl2< Integer, Source, true, SourceInt > | This class allows a shortcut: converting types to Integer objects by writing convert<Integer>(source) |
Cnativeconversion_impl2< long double, SourceType, false, SourceInt > | Provides an implementation of the plll::arithmetic::implementation::nativeconversion_impl2<> template for conversions to long double |
Cnativeconversion_impl2< long long, SourceType, true, SourceInt > | Provides an implementation of the plll::arithmetic::implementation::nativeconversion_impl2<> template for conversions to long long |
Cnativeconversion_impl2< signed int, SourceType, true, SourceInt > | Provides an implementation of the plll::arithmetic::implementation::nativeconversion_impl2<> template for conversions to signed int |
Cnativeconversion_impl2< signed long, SourceType, true, SourceInt > | Provides an implementation of the plll::arithmetic::implementation::nativeconversion_impl2<> template for conversions to signed long |
Cnativeconversion_impl2< std::string, SourceType, true, SourceInt > | Provides type to std::string conversion using the native type conversion facility |
Cnativeconversion_impl2< unsigned int, SourceType, true, SourceInt > | Provides an implementation of the plll::arithmetic::implementation::nativeconversion_impl2<> template for conversions to unsigned int |
Cnativeconversion_impl2< unsigned long, SourceType, true, SourceInt > | Provides an implementation of the plll::arithmetic::implementation::nativeconversion_impl2<> template for conversions to unsigned long |
Cnativeconversion_impl< char * > | Provides C-style string to native type conversion using the native type conversion facility |
Cnativeconversion_impl< char[n]> | Provides C-style string to native type conversion using the native type conversion facility |
Cnativeconversion_impl< const char * > | Provides C-style string to native type conversion using the native type conversion facility |
Cnativeconversion_impl< const char[n]> | Provides C-style string to native type conversion using the native type conversion facility |
Cnativeconversion_impl< expressions::Expression< IntegerContext, Data, Op > > | |
Cnativeconversion_impl< expressions::Expression< SourceContext, Data, Op > > | Implements native conversions from an expression |
Cnativeconversion_impl< Integer > | |
Cnativeconversion_impl< NInt< Type > > | |
Cnativeconversion_impl< Rational > | |
Cnativeconversion_impl< Real > | |
Cnativeconversion_impl< std::string > | Provides std::string to native type conversion using the native type conversion facility |
CRoundingNFP | |
CRoundingNFP< double > | |
CRoundingNFP< float > | |
CRoundingNFP< long double > | |
Cto_string_conversion | Provides facilities to convert types to std::string s |
Cto_string_conversion< Integer > | |
Cto_string_conversion< Real > | |
Cunary_operation_impl | Provides information on the result of an unary arithmetic operation |
Cunary_operation_impl< expressions::Expression< IntegerContext, D, O >, arithmetic::op::negation > | |
Cunary_operation_impl< expressions::Expression< RationalContext, D, O >, arithmetic::op::negation > | |
Cunary_operation_impl< expressions::Expression< RealContext, D, O >, arithmetic::op::negation > | |
Cunary_operation_impl< Integer, arithmetic::op::negation > | |
Cunary_operation_impl< NInt< Type >, arithmetic::op::negation > | |
Cunary_operation_impl< Rational, arithmetic::op::negation > | |
Cunary_operation_impl< Real, arithmetic::op::negation > | |
►Nop | |
Caddition | |
Cdivision | |
Cmodulo | |
Cmultiplication | |
Cnegation | |
Csubtraction | |
►Ntraits | |
Ctype_traits | Provides information on arithmetic (and string) types |
Ctype_traits< char * > | |
Ctype_traits< char[n]> | |
Ctype_traits< const char * > | |
Ctype_traits< const char[n]> | |
Ctype_traits< double > | |
Ctype_traits< expressions::Expression< IntegerContext, Data, Op > > | |
Ctype_traits< expressions::Expression< RationalContext, Data, Op > > | |
Ctype_traits< expressions::Expression< RealContext, Data, Op > > | |
Ctype_traits< float > | |
Ctype_traits< Integer > | |
Ctype_traits< long double > | |
Ctype_traits< long long > | |
Ctype_traits< NInt< Type > > | |
Ctype_traits< Rational > | |
Ctype_traits< Real > | |
Ctype_traits< signed int > | |
Ctype_traits< signed long > | |
Ctype_traits< std::string > | |
Ctype_traits< unsigned int > | |
Ctype_traits< unsigned long > | |
Cbinary_operation | Provides information on the result of a binary arithmetic operation |
CHexStringContext | An "arithmetic" context for hexadecimal (base 16) conversions to std::string s |
CInteger | Represents an arbitrary precision integer |
►CIntegerContext | Represents an arithmetic context for arbitrary precision integer |
CUniformRNG | |
CNInt | Represents a native integer |
►CNIntContext | Represents an arithmetic context for native integers |
CUniformRNG | A uniform random number generator frontend |
COctalStringContext | An "arithmetic" context for octal (base 8) conversions to std::string s |
CRandomNumberGenerator | Represents a random number generator |
CRational | Represents a rational number as a quotient of two arbitrary precision integers |
CRationalContext | Represents an arithmetic context for rational numbers |
►CReal | Represents an arbitrary precision floating point value |
CPrecisionInit | |
►CRealContext | Represents an arithmetic context for arbitrary precision floating point values |
CUniformRNG | |
CStringContext | An "arithmetic" context for conversions to std::string s |
Cunary_operation | Provides information on the result of an unary arithmetic operation |
▼Nhelper | Contains some helper templates and classes |
►Nimplementation | |
CCompileTimeError | |
CCompileTimeError< true > | |
Cenable_if_impl | |
Cenable_if_impl< true, T > | |
Cremove_decorations_impl | |
Cremove_decorations_impl< A & > | |
Cremove_decorations_impl< const A > | |
Cremove_decorations_impl< volatile A > | |
Cselect_first_type_impl | |
Cselect_first_type_impl< false, A, B > | |
Ctype_equality | |
Ctype_equality< A, A > | |
►CArgumentParser | Parses command line arguments and makes them accessible |
CValue | Stores the value of one command line argument |
CBoolToType | Conversion from compile-time known bools to types |
CCompareTypes | A type comparison template |
CEnableIf | Allows to remove functions from overload resolution |
CIntToType | Conversion from compile-time known ints to types |
Cremove_decorations | Strips decorations const , & , volatile and && from types |
CSelectFirstType | A type selector template |
▼Nlinalg | Contains the matrix and vector library as long as other linear algebra functionality |
►Nimplementation | |
►Nexpressions | |
►Ccomponentwise_operation | |
Coperation | |
CConstMatrixWrapper | |
CCWAdd | |
CCWDiv | |
CCWMod | |
CCWMul | |
CCWSub | |
Cexpr | |
Cidentity_operation | |
►Cmatrix_matrix_multiplication | |
CConstColEnumerator | |
CConstColsEnumerator | |
CConstEnumerator_Generic | |
CConstEnumerator_OneCol | |
CConstEnumerator_OneRow | |
CConstRowEnumerator | |
CConstRowsEnumerator | |
CGetCoeffSteps_Type | |
►Cmatrix_negation | |
CGetCoeffSteps_Type | |
CNegEnumerator | |
CNegEnumerator_meta | |
►Cmatrix_scalar_operation | |
►Coperation | |
CGetCoeffSteps_Type | |
CMSEnumerator | |
CMSEnumerator_meta | |
CMatrixTemporaryWrapper | |
CMatrixWrapper | |
CMSDiv | |
CMSMod | |
CMSMul | |
CScalarWrapper | |
CSMMul | |
►Csub | |
►Coperation_generic | |
CColEnumerator | |
CColsEnumerator | |
CEnumerator | |
CRowEnumerator | |
CRowsEnumerator | |
►Csub_1d | |
►Coperation_col | |
CColsEnumerator | |
CRowEnumerator | |
►CRowsEnumerator | |
CCustomRowEnumerator | |
►Coperation_row | |
CColEnumerator | |
►CColsEnumerator | |
CCustomColEnumerator | |
CRowsEnumerator | |
►Ctranspose | |
CEnumerator | |
CAssignmentMatrixOperationImpl | |
CBinaryMatrixOperationImpl | |
CBinaryMatrixOperationImpl_Impl | |
CBinaryMatrixOperationImpl_Impl< A, false, true, B, true, false > | |
CBinaryMatrixOperationImpl_Impl< A, false, true, B, true, true > | |
CBinaryMatrixOperationImpl_Impl< A, true, false, B, false, true > | |
CBinaryMatrixOperationImpl_Impl< A, true, false, B, true, false > | |
CBinaryMatrixOperationImpl_Impl< A, true, false, B, true, true > | |
CBinaryMatrixOperationImpl_Impl< A, true, true, B, false, true > | |
CBinaryMatrixOperationImpl_Impl< A, true, true, B, true, false > | |
CBinaryMatrixOperationImpl_Impl< A, true, true, B, true, true > | |
Ccol_count_storage | |
Ccol_count_storage< Flexible > | |
Ccomparison_impl | |
CDotImpl | |
CInitialize_Impl | |
CInitialize_Impl< S, false > | |
CInitialize_Impl< S, true > | |
CMatrixInfo | |
CMatrixInfo< base_colvector< T, Rows, ST, MO > > | |
CMatrixInfo< base_matrix< T, Rows, Cols, ST, MO > > | |
CMatrixInfo< base_rowvector< T, Cols, ST, MO > > | |
CMatrixInfo< const base_colvector< T, Rows, ST, MO > > | |
CMatrixInfo< const base_matrix< T, Rows, Cols, ST, MO > > | |
CMatrixInfo< const base_rowvector< T, Cols, ST, MO > > | |
CMatrixInfo< const expressions::ConstMatrixWrapper< MatrixType > > | |
CMatrixInfo< const expressions::expr< Operator, Data > > | |
CMatrixInfo< const expressions::MatrixTemporaryWrapper< MatrixType > > | |
CMatrixInfo< const expressions::MatrixWrapper< MatrixType > > | |
CMatrixInfo< const expressions::ScalarWrapper< ScalarType > > | |
CMatrixInfo< const math_colvector< T, Rows, ST > > | |
CMatrixInfo< const math_matrix< T, Rows, Cols, ST > > | |
CMatrixInfo< const math_rowvector< T, Cols, ST > > | |
CMatrixInfo< expressions::ConstMatrixWrapper< MatrixType > > | |
CMatrixInfo< expressions::expr< Operator, Data > > | |
CMatrixInfo< expressions::MatrixTemporaryWrapper< MatrixType > > | |
CMatrixInfo< expressions::MatrixWrapper< MatrixType > > | |
CMatrixInfo< expressions::ScalarWrapper< ScalarType > > | |
CMatrixInfo< math_colvector< T, Rows, ST > > | |
CMatrixInfo< math_matrix< T, Rows, Cols, ST > > | |
CMatrixInfo< math_rowvector< T, Cols, ST > > | |
CMatrixPrinter | |
CMatrixPrinter< MatrixType, Rows, 1, false > | |
CMatrixScanner | |
CNormSqImpl | |
Crow_count_storage | |
Crow_count_storage< Flexible > | |
CSumImpl | |
CUnaryMatrixOperationImpl | |
CUnaryMatrixOperationImpl_Impl | |
CUnaryMatrixOperationImpl_Impl< A, false > | |
CUnaryMatrixOperationImpl_Impl< A, true > | |
Cbase_colvector | Represents a column vector with coefficients in T |
►Cbase_matrix | Represents a matrix with coefficients in T |
CColEnumerator | An enumerator for a matrix' column |
CColsEnumerator | Enumerates over all columns. For every column, a ColsEnumerator::ColEnumerator object is returned which allows to enumerate over that column |
CConstColEnumerator | An enumerator for a matrix' column |
CConstColsEnumerator | Enumerates over all columns. For every column, a ConstColsEnumerator::ColEnumerator object is returned which allows to enumerate over that column |
CConstEnumerator | An enumerator for matrix elements |
CConstRowsEnumerator | Enumerates over all rows. For every row, a ConstRowsEnumerator::RowEnumerator object is returned which allows to enumerate over that row |
CEnumerator | An enumerator for matrix elements |
CGetCoeffSteps_Type | Allows to retrieve a coefficient of the matrix in two steps |
CRowsEnumerator | Enumerates over all rows. For every row, a RowsEnumerator::RowEnumerator object is returned which allows to enumerate over that row |
Cbase_rowvector | Represents a row vector with coefficients in T |
Cmath_colvector | Represents a math column vector with coefficients in T |
Cmath_matrix | Represents a math matrix with coefficients in T |
Cmath_rowvector | Represents a math row vector with coefficients in T |
Cstorage_traits | Provides means to allocate, reallocate and release (linear) arrays of objects of type T |
▼CLatticeReduction | Provides an interface to the lattice reduction algorithms of the plll library |
CGramSchmidtInformer | Provides information on the Gram-Schmidt coefficients |
CStatistics | Describes lattice basis reduction statistics |
Cstop_enumeration | This exception should be thrown by callback functions to stop enumeration and return the currently found vector to the caller |
Cstop_reduction | This exception should be thrown by callback functions to stop reduction and return the current state of reduction to the caller |