plll  1.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345678]
 NplllContains the plll library
 NarithmeticContains the arithmetic backend of plll
 NexpressionsExpression templates
 Cbinary_operationProvides information on the result of a binary arithmetic operation
 CHexStringContextAn "arithmetic" context for hexadecimal (base 16) conversions to std::strings
 CIntegerRepresents an arbitrary precision integer
 CIntegerContextRepresents an arithmetic context for arbitrary precision integer
 CNIntRepresents a native integer
 CNIntContextRepresents an arithmetic context for native integers
 COctalStringContextAn "arithmetic" context for octal (base 8) conversions to std::strings
 CRandomNumberGeneratorRepresents a random number generator
 CRationalRepresents a rational number as a quotient of two arbitrary precision integers
 CRationalContextRepresents an arithmetic context for rational numbers
 CRealRepresents an arbitrary precision floating point value
 CRealContextRepresents an arithmetic context for arbitrary precision floating point values
 CStringContextAn "arithmetic" context for conversions to std::strings
 Cunary_operationProvides information on the result of an unary arithmetic operation
 NhelperContains some helper templates and classes
 CArgumentParserParses command line arguments and makes them accessible
 CBoolToTypeConversion from compile-time known bools to types
 CCompareTypesA type comparison template
 CEnableIfAllows to remove functions from overload resolution
 CIntToTypeConversion from compile-time known ints to types
 Cremove_decorationsStrips decorations const, &, volatile and && from types
 CSelectFirstTypeA type selector template
 NlinalgContains the matrix and vector library as long as other linear algebra functionality
 Cbase_colvectorRepresents a column vector with coefficients in T
 Cbase_matrixRepresents a matrix with coefficients in T
 Cbase_rowvectorRepresents a row vector with coefficients in T
 Cmath_colvectorRepresents a math column vector with coefficients in T
 Cmath_matrixRepresents a math matrix with coefficients in T
 Cmath_rowvectorRepresents a math row vector with coefficients in T
 Cstorage_traitsProvides means to allocate, reallocate and release (linear) arrays of objects of type T
 CLatticeReductionProvides an interface to the lattice reduction algorithms of the plll library
 CGramSchmidtInformerProvides information on the Gram-Schmidt coefficients
 CStatisticsDescribes lattice basis reduction statistics
 Cstop_enumerationThis exception should be thrown by callback functions to stop enumeration and return the currently found vector to the caller
 Cstop_reductionThis exception should be thrown by callback functions to stop reduction and return the current state of reduction to the caller