Felix Fontein's Homepage

Welcome! I was (past tense!) working as a postdoc at the University of Zurich from February 2011 until February 2014. For more up to date information, please refer to my personal homepage.

Before being a postdoc at the University of Zurich, I was a postdoc at the Department of Mathematics & Statistics at the University of Calgary in Canada. In Calgary, I was a member of the Institute for Security, Privacy and Information Assurance. I did my PhD student at the Institut für Mathematik at the the Universität Zürich, where I was a member of the Applied Algebra work group, which is lead by Prof. Dr. Joachim Rosenthal. Before this I was studying mathematics and computer science at the University of Oldenburg, Germany.

My research interests are mainly focused on the arithmetic in global fields. I want to increase the understanding of the infrastructure, in particular of baby steps, as well increase the efficiency of computation in the infrastructure and the divisor class group of a global field. Besides this, I am interested in computing fundamental units of global fields, in particular their absolute values, using baby step-giant step strategies. Besides this, I am also interested in applications of this theories to Public Key Cryptography.

Besides these special topics, I am interested in Algebraic and Analytic Number Theory, Arithmetic and Algebraic Geometry and their applications to Cryptography.


  • F. Fontein: Groups from Cyclic Infrastructures and Pohlig-Hellman in Certain Infrastructures. Advances in Mathematics of Communications, 2 (3), p. 293-307, 2008. (Preprint at arXiv, article in journal.)
  • F. Fontein: The Infrastructure of a Global Field of Arbitrary Unit Rank. Math. Comp. 80 (2011), no. 276, 2325–2357 (Preprint at arXiv, article in journal.)
  • F. Fontein: Holes in the Infrastructure of Global Hyperelliptic Function Fields. 2009. (Preprint at arXiv.)
  • F. Fontein: Explicit Methods for Radical Function Fields over Finite Fields. 2009. (Preprint at arXiv.)
  • F. Fontein, E. Landquist, R. Scheidler: Class Number and Regulator Computation in Purely Cubic Function Fields of Unit Rank Two. 2010. (Preprint at arXiv.)
  • F. Fontein, M. J. Jacobson, Jr.: Rigorous Computation of Fundamental Units in Algebraic Number Fields. 2010. (Preprint at arXiv.)
  • F. Fontein, P. Wocjan: Quantum Algorithm for Computing the Period Lattice of an Infrastructure. 2011. (Preprint at arXiv.)
  • F. Fontein, K. Marshall, J. Rosenthal, D. Schipani, A.-L. Trautmann: On Burst Error Correction and Storage Security of Noisy Data. 2012. (Preprint at arXiv, MTNS2012 proceedings.)
  • F. Fontein, M. Schneider, U. Wagner: A Polynomial Time Version of LLL With Deep Insertions. Preproceedings of the International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography, WCC 2013. (Preprint at arXiv.)
  • F. Fontein, P. Wocjan: On the Probability of Generating a Lattice. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 2013. (Article in journal and preprint at arXiv.)
  • F. Fontein, M. Schneider, U. Wagner: PotLLL: A Polynomial Time Version of LLL With Deep Insertions. Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 2014. (Online first article in journal.)




  • F. Fontein: Elliptic Curves over Rings with a Point of View on Cryptography and Factoring. Diplomarbeit, Carl von Ossietzky-Universität Oldenburg, June 2005. (PDF, 2.0 MB)
  • F. Fontein: The Infrastructure of a Global Field and Baby Step-Giant Step Algorithms. Dissertation, Universität Zürich, March 2009. (PDF, 1.0 MB) (Zentralbibliothek Zürich)




You can contact me by snail mail by using the following address:

Felix Fontein
Institut für Mathematik
Universität Zürich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
8057 Zürich

Other ways to contact me are the following:

E-Mail: felix.fontein@math.uzh.ch felix@fontein.de
Phone: +41-(0)44-63 55859
Or just find me in my office, Y27-K52.

In case you want to send me encrypted emails, you can download my GPG/PGP public key. It's fingerprint should be 9F6E FA02 A8C7 BAAA 758F EA16 DFDA 115C 9957 EBA7.